Connect with Us

Orange Public School has an active P&C which aims to strengthen the bonds between parents, staff and students. Working together in this way we are able to achieve amazing things for our school community. The P&C always welcomes new members and we look forward to your involvement for our children.


Get Involved!

We love parent involvement at OPS. You can volunteer in the classroom, assist in the Canteen, help cook at BBQ’s, join a committee and more.

CLICK HERE to fill out an online form to join the P&C or volunteer.


Join the P&C

The P&C  meets on the first Monday of each month. Meetings start at 7pm in the Primary site staff room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Here are the contact details of our school’s Parents & Citizens’ Association, as at March 2025.

P & C email address:

Postal address:  PO Box 345, Orange

President: Christin Turnbull

Vice President: Belinda Downey & Sophie Durham

Secretary: Danneille

Treasurer: Katrina Hutchinson


Funding Grants Program:  Alison Hamilton

Clothing Pool: Meagan Fitzgerald

Canteen: Gina Cudars Ph: 6361 7553

OPS Netball: Matt Senyard

Open Gardens: Kristie Hawkes


We would love to hear from you! Email us at