The P & C supports a number of services across the school.
These include: The Canteen, Clothing Pool, Netball Club and Fundraising.
Orange Public School runs two canteens. There is a canteen at both Primary and Infant sites.
The canteens are closed on Monday and open Tuesday to Friday.
There are two options to order.
Parents can mark the front of a brown paper bag with child’s name, class and order, putting the money in the bag and dropping the order off in the black box outside either canteen before 9.10am.
Alternatively parents can order online using flexischools.
- Go to flexischools
- Enter your email
- You will be emailed a link to an online form – follow the link
- Choose a username and password and complete the form
- Add each student and their class
- Top-up the account – VISA or Mastercard preferred
Please note that online ordering closes at 9am.
Follow Orange Public School Canteen on facebook for weekly specials and new menu options.
The school canteens are operated under the direction of the P & C Canteen Committee. A group of parents assist in this work on a volunteer basis and a roster is drawn up each term. If you are willing to help in this way, please advise by email to

The Fundraising Committee coordinates one off and annual fundraising events to purchase items and resources requested by the school. Examples of resources are ipads, vegetable gardens, play equipment, educational resources and games.
Contact details: Lisa-Anne Johnson Ph: 6362 7529
Clothing Pool
OPS Clothing Pool is a great service which benefits parents and helps fundraise for the P&C.
The clothing pool is a place where families can purchase pre-loved good quality school uniforms including school ties and school shoes. We also supply school backpacks and OPS hats, both new and pre-loved.
The P&C is also happy to help outfit children who’s families are finding it financially hard to purchase school uniforms.
For cost of items, please have a look at our Clothing Pool Price List.
The clothing pool is located at the Primary site on the Sale Street side of the building. (social distancing rules apply)
Opening Days:
The Clothing Pool will be open between 9-10am on the dates below:
Term 4
Wednesday 14 October
Monday 19 October
Friday 30 October
Wednesday 4 November
Monday 9 November
Friday 20 November
Wednesday 25 November
Monday 30 November
Friday 11 December
Wednesday 16 December

If your child has outgrown his/her school uniform please donate any good quality items to the Clothing Pool. You will be helping raise important funds for the school.
Clothing can be dropped off at the Primary or Infants office during school hours.

Orange Public School Netball Club
Netball is a great way to exercise, have fun and develop skills in a supportive environment. Children play in teams of their school year and their friendship groups. It is a great way for children and parents to develop social networks.
Teams begin at Under 8 and no previous experience is required.
For information please contact Samantha Spicer